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222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza
Chicago, IL, 60654


Chicago's honorary brown street signs, days, and commemorative honors; the who, what, where, when and why.  Honorary Chicago guide book, maps, biographies, history, trivia, tours, and gifts.

Honorary Trump Plaza Street Sign 2006 - 2016 Repealed


Honorary Trump Plaza Street Sign 2006 - 2016 Repealed

Linda Zabors

On November 1, 2016 the City Council of Chicago voted to take down the honorary Trump Plaza street sign it had dedicated while the building was still under construction in 2006.

Honorary Chicago post October 16, 2016

Updated: December 24, 2016


Honorary Trump Plaza

The Recap


Honorary Trump Plaza is dedicated on Wabash Avenue flanking the site of the Trump Hotel and Tower Chicago, which at the time was still under construction


Trump Tower gets approval from the City of Chicago to install signage on the building


"TRUMP" in 20-foot tall letters is installed on the river side of Trump Tower. Despite public outrage and legal efforts, the building signage is not removed.


Donald Trump announces that he is running for President


September 2016
During a nationally televised debate Candidate Donald Trump likens Chicago to "a war-torn nation"

October 5
An introduction to repeal and remove the Honorary Trump Plaza sign is held in City Council and is quickly supported by a very wide majority

October 13
One of the three installed Honorary Trump Plaza street signs on Wabash Avenue is reported stolen

The Mayor
claims he did not steal it

November 1
The Chicago City Council formally votes to repeal and take down the Honorary Trump Plaza signs

November 2
The Chicago Cubs win the World Series, breaking the longest losing streak in baseball history, 108 years

November 8
Donald Trump is elected President of the United States

November 9
Protests against Donald Trump's election begin outside Trump Tower Chicago

November 16
An amendment is proposed which would drastically restrict new honorary streets in Chicago

December 4
The remaining Honorary Trump Plaza signs are taken down by the City of Chicago

After removal, the signs went missing

* * * *

Sources: Chicago City Council, Tribune, DNAinfo, WGN, and Honorary Chicago