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222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza
Chicago, IL, 60654


Chicago's honorary brown street signs, days, and commemorative honors; the who, what, where, when and why.  Honorary Chicago guide book, maps, biographies, history, trivia, tours, and gifts.


Daniel Capuano

Linda Zabors

Daniel V. Capuano of Tower Ladder 34, was a Chicago Firefighter and Paramedic for more than 15 years.  He died in the line of duty, while fighting a warehouse blaze on December 14, 2015.

Daniel was well known for his sense of duty and loving dedication to his family and community, his truly kind and generous spirit and his sense of humor.  He is remembered in the National Fallen Firefighters Roll of Honor.

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Honorary Daniel V. Capuano Way dedicated in 2016

The sign dedication ceremony in the Mount Greenwood neighborhood, on Chicago's far southwest side, was attended by crowds of neighbors and Firefighter Capuano's Fire Department colleagues. The sign dedication appropriately utilized a special fire fighters tool, a hook on a pole, to unveil the honorary sign. The ceremony also included a special fly-over tribute by the Chicago Fire Department helicopter. 

The ceremony was officiated by Father Tom, of St. Rita's.  Speakers included the Mayor's Office, and most notably Amanda, Daniel's 16 year old daughter, who nominated her father for the honorary sign in the 19th Ward.   

Photo: Honorary Chicago

Photo: Honorary Chicago

The day of the dedication, August 5, 2016, was declared Daniel V. Capuano Day in Chicago by Mayor Emanuel.

Other dedications from his community include the naming of the Evergreen Park ice rink in his honor on February 20, 2016. This rink is where Daniel was a volunteer hockey coach for the St. Jude hockey team where his sons play.  The rink is adjacent to the Evergreen Park fire house where he also served.

Video and photo highlights of the ceremony held on Saturday, February 20, 2016 at the Evergreen Park Fire Station / Yukich Field.  

Video credit: Village of Evergreen Park

A fire truck was donated and named in his honor at the Fire Academy at Moraine Valley Community College where Daniel Capuano took several classes over the years.  

Condolences have been marked in his honor in the US Senate and at a Blackhawks Hockey game.