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Chicago, IL, 60654


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Other Cities Blog

Buddie Buie Blvd

Linda Zabors

Eustis, Florida has designated its first honorary street after a life-long resident, businessman, former Commissioner and Mayor, Buddy Buie.

Eustis Fruit Company, at 500 Jackson Street, was a family business started by his father in 1957 then passed on to Buddy and his sister. 

Buddy was known for effort to save Ferran Park’s Alice McClelland Memorial Bandshell from demolition.  In 1994 it received protected status on the US National Register of Historic Places as one of the last two open air bandshells in the country. 

Ferran-Park-Bandshell (Alice McClelland Memorial)

Photo: By AMurray854w (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons


Mayor 1991
City Commissioner 1989-1993

Buddie Buie Boulvard
500 Jackson
Eustis, FL
Dedicated: 2017

Dougal M. Buie, III
January 12, 2017. Age 63.