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222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza
Chicago, IL, 60654


Chicago's honorary brown street signs, days, and commemorative honors; the who, what, where, when and why.  Honorary Chicago guide book, maps, biographies, history, trivia, tours, and gifts.


Oprah Winfrey Way

Linda Zabors

Oprah Gail Winfrey was the founder and producer of the “Oprah Winfrey Show,” a nationally syndicated daytime television talk show from 1986 to 2011. She became one of the most influential people in American and one of the wealthiest. She turned the television talk show genre from trash talk into an opportunity for personal development and enrichment for her audience. She interviewed countless celebrities, and boosted the careers of many authors, television stars, and political figures.

She built Harpo Studios in 1990 (Harpo os Oprah spelled backwards). This is where she produced the “Oprah Winfrey Show, “ O Magazine, films, the Oprah’s Book Club, a media empire, and a national treasure. She moved to Chicago to break into television. Before launching her own show she worked for WLS Radio.

East Nashville High School

Honorary Oprrah Winfrey WAY

100 North Carpenter Street



Neighborhood: West Loop

b. January 29, 1954 in Mississippi

former location of Harpo Studios
1058 W. Washington
