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222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza
Chicago, IL, 60654


Chicago's honorary brown street signs, days, and commemorative honors; the who, what, where, when and why.  Honorary Chicago guide book, maps, biographies, history, trivia, tours, and gifts.


Kazimiera 'Kasia' Bober Way

Linda Zabors


Kasia's Deli is famous for Pierogis in Chicago's Polish Community and throughout the City.  Kazimiera Bober opened the deli in 1982 and started making pieogis a few years after she emigrated from Poland to the United States.  Pierogi machines were nowhere to be found so she adapted a ravioli maker to fill the dough; she finished individual pierogis by hand.  The deli flourished and had a hearty following. After 20 years in business she expanded production and started to sell Kasia's Pierogis in grocery stores.  Kasia's Pierogis won the coveted "Best Pierogi in Chicago" award at the "Taste of Chicago" summer food festival.  Soon she was featured in Newsweek Magazine and her pierogis were served on United Airline flights. 

She was very poor when she arrived in Chicago in 1975 and struggled to get by.  She started the deli in an old sausage shop to make enough money to bring her children to the United States.  

Kasia's Deli 
2101 W. Chicago Avenue


Kasia lived to 80 years of age and realized the dream of the deli and succeeded in bringing her family from Poland.  Her children and grandchildren worked by her side up to her last days.  Kasia was a grandmother to the entire Polish community of Chicago. The Bober family continues to run the deli and pierogi factory.

Listen to the WBEZ interview

Sign Approved: 2016
Ward: 1
Alderman: Moreno
Neighborhood: Ukrainian Village

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An Eastern European dish often associated with Poland. Pierogis are dough dumplings and are typically filled with potato, sauerkraut, plum, or meat.

Photo: CC-BY-SA 2.5 User:Piotrus

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Chicago has one of the largest Polish communities outside Poland

The Taste of Chicago is the world's largest food festival, it showcases Chicago food and restaurants.