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222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza
Chicago, IL, 60654


Chicago's honorary brown street signs, days, and commemorative honors; the who, what, where, when and why.  Honorary Chicago guide book, maps, biographies, history, trivia, tours, and gifts.

Ralph "Mr Canoe" Frese


Ralph "Mr Canoe" Frese

Linda Zabors

Ralph Frese was the owner of the shop Chicagoland Canoe Base and the last blacksmith shop in Chicago. He was a fourth generation blacksmith who became a canoe builder and a nationally recognized expert. He began exploring Chicago area waterways in a canvas kayak as a teenager; in the 1950s he established the Illinois Paddling Council, the DesPlaines River Canoe Marathon, and began building canoes for local Boy Scout troops and replicas of historic birch bark canoes. He also supported the Chicago Maritime Society and Museum. A Chicago parks and waterways trail was named in his honor.

He led ambitious campaigns to recreate the explorations of the United States and Mississippi River by canoe in the 1600s by voyagers Marquette & Joliet, and LaSalle. These reenactments were brought to life in the 1970s.

Honorary Ralph "Mr Canoe" Frese Way

Irving Park and Narragansett


Approved: 2013

Ward: 38
Alderman: Cullerton
Neighborhood: Portage Park/Dunning

d. December 10, 2012. Age 86.

Chicagoland Canoe Base (former location)
Irving Park and Narragansett
