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222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza
Chicago, IL, 60654


Chicago's honorary brown street signs, days, and commemorative honors; the who, what, where, when and why.  Honorary Chicago guide book, maps, biographies, history, trivia, tours, and gifts.


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Steven Strauss

Linda Zabors

Steven Roy Strauss was the owner of the popular Wrigleyville bar, Sluggers World Class Sports Bar & Grill for more than 35 years. At age 27, Steven opened his first Lake View bar called Double Inn. He later opened Cheeks, one of the first LGBTQ bars in the area. He grew up in the business, his father had owned Symphony Liquors on Chicago Avenue.

Sluggers is now owned and operated by Steven’s sons. Additional Sluggers locations are in Orland Park, Vernon Hills, and Denver, Colorado.

Steven grew up in the Peterson Park neighborhood of Chicago.

Honorary Steven Strauss Way

North Clark Street from North Addison Street to West Eddy Street

Approved: 2022

Ward: 44
Alderman: Tunney
Neighborhood: Wrigleyville

b. May 16, 1945
d. January 28, 2022 Age 76.

Sluggers Bar
3540 N. Clark Street


20221205 SO

Chuck Renslow Way

Linda Zabors

Chuck Renslow was an icon in the LGBTQ community and a activist. He opened some of Chicago’s first openly gay businesses; he is known worldwide as the founder of International Mr. Leather competition and the Leather Archives and Museum. In the 1960s he opened one of the first leather bars in the world and published GayLife magazine. He is featured in the Chicago Boystown LGBTQ Hall of Fame and also in New York.

Lane Technical High School

Born in Chicago, grew up in Logan Square

Honorary Chuck Renslow Way

Northeast corner of North Clark Street and West Ainslie Avenue and the Southeast corner of North Clark Street and West Winnemac Avenue

Approved: May 2018

Ward:: 47
Alderman: Pawar
Neighborhood: Uptown

b. August 26, 1929. Chicago
d. June 29, 2017. Age 87

The former site of Man’s Country - Bath House
5015 N. Clark Street

Dedicated: May 19, 2018
40th anniversary of IML competition

Martha Lavey Way

Linda Zabors

Martha Lavey was the Artistic Director of Chicago’s famous Steppenwolf Theater Company for twenty years. She was also an actor. Her first performance with Steppenwolf was in 1981 a production of “Savages” by John Malkovitch. Martha appeared in many productions in Chicago theater including: Goodman, Victory Gardens, Remains, and Northlight Theaters. She joined the company at Steppenwolf in 1993 and became the Artistic Director in 1995. During this time Steppenwolf became a theater which introduced Tony Award winning productions and performances destined for Broadway. It became an an incubator and launching pad for new works and highly acclaimed remakes established works.

Northwestern University, BS, MA, Doctorate

YouTube, Honorary Chicago Playlist: Martha Lavey

Honorary Martha Lavey Way

1650 N. Halsted Street

Approved: 2017

Ward: 43
Alderman: Smith
Neighborhood: Lincoln Park

b. February 20, 1957. Kansas
d. April 2017. Age 60. Chicago

Steppenwolf Theater
1650 N. Halsted

Irma and Willie Pickens Way

Linda Zabors

Willie Pickens was a famous Chicago Jazz Pianist. His wife Irma, was his producer.

He taught music theory and performance throughout his career including: a collaboration between public high schools and Ravinia, and at Northern Illinois University.

Other collaborations included major Jazz Festivals around the world, the Jazz Showcase in Chicago, and the Willie Pickens Trio.

YouTube playlist: Willie Pickens. Honorary Chicago channel

Willie - Alumni
Milwaukee Conservatory of Music
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

Veteran: U.S. Army, Army band -Clarinet

Honorary Irma and Willie Pickens Way

5600 S. Kimbark Avenue

Approved: 2018

Ward: 5
Alderman: Hairston
Neighborhood: Hyde Park

Dedicated: December 2, 2018

b. 1931. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
d. December 2017. Age 86

d. 2015

Their residence for more than 40 years

Mural of Willie Pickens by artist Desi Mundo, between the auditorium doors of Ray School
5631 S. Kimbark Avenue

Disney Family Avenue

Linda Zabors

Walt Disney, and his brother Roy, were born in Chicago in a house built by their parents. Their father, Elias, was a carpenter. He built the family house, he also worked on the 1893 World Fair in Chicago and he told his children stories about the Fair.

Disney is best known for his animated films and theme parks. As an individual Walt won 22 Oscars and was nominated for an Academy award 59 times. He also won 2 Golden Globe Awards and an Emmy.

Born in Chicago: Walt, 1901; Roy, 1893

McKinley High School. Chicago
predecessor to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago

WWI Red Cross Ambulance Driver

Walt Disney grew up in a house in Chicago's Hermosa neighborhood at 2156 N. Tripp Ave., which was built in 1893. The new homeowners have made several renovat...

Honorary Disney Family Avenue

North Tripp Street between West Armitage Avenue and West Fullerton Avenue

Approved: May 2016

Ward: 35
Alderman: Ramirez-Rosa
Neighborhood: Hermosa

Walt Disney’s Birthplace
2156 N. Tripp Avenue

Walter Elias Disney
b. December 5, 1901. Chicago
d. December 15, 1966. Age 65. Los Angeles, California

Photo credits: Kari Carbone

Walt Disney Birthplace and Facebook page and Wikipedia and IMDB
A Cinderella story for Walt Disney's childhood home - Chicago Tribune

Bob Collins Way

Linda Zabors

Bob Collins was a very popular morning radio personality on WGN AM 720 Radio. To listeners, and to everyone, he was "Uncle Bobby." 

This is one of my earliest tributes done after the untimely death of the legendary morning host at WGN AM 720 in Chicago. It was made for the Radio Hall of Fame at the Museum of Broadcast Communications in Chicago in February of 2000.
Steve Cochran, Orion Samuelson, Andrea Darlas, Dave Eanet and Mary Van De Velde toast Bob Collins with some Jack Daniel's on what would have been Bob's 75th birthday.

Bob Collins died in a private plane accident. February 8, 2000

WGN Radio Walk of Fame

WGN Radio Walk of Fame

Bob Collins was inducted into the WGN Radio Walk of Fame in 2014.

This commemorative plaque is located in the sidewalk of Pioneer Court aside the Showcase radio studio of the Tribune Building.

Bob Collins Way

East Illinois Street at Cityfront Plaza

Near the WGN Radio Studio in the Tribune Tower

February 8, 2000

Neighborhood: Magnificent Mile

Now on mobile

Honorary Bob Collins Way
in the Honorary Bob Collection
Search: Bob